Woman’s Hour appearance
Coleen will be on BBC4’s Woman’s Hour today! She will be discussing the podcast “Lovebombed” with Vicky Pattison and talking about our book “Playing with Fire.” GOOD LUCK COLEEN!!
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Coleen will be on BBC4’s Woman’s Hour today! She will be discussing the podcast “Lovebombed” with Vicky Pattison and talking about our book “Playing with Fire.” GOOD LUCK COLEEN!!
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Coleen, my twin sister and co-author on “Playing with fire” has spoken with BBC Radio 4 to appear on their “Woman’s hour” program. They have invited her on to tell her story to their many listeners. This is exciting news and though Coleen is incredibly nervous we all wish her well and look forward to
Playing with fire on “Woman’s Hour” Read More »
We have had word that the release of the podcast is imminent. Hopefully we are looking at it being released next month all being well. Once it has been we will provide details in a post and on the main page of the website. Hopefully our dulcet tones won’t make the neighbourhood dogs howl too
Possible dates for podcast release Read More »
We have had dates confirmed for the filming of the television documentary. As this progresses updates will be provided. We are getting our makeup done professionally which is amazing. Coleen always does her own makeup nicely anyway but I’ve always been of the “more is more” school of thinking when it comes to cosmetics. At
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It has finally arrived! We have our own copy and it is rather surreal holding in our hands something that was only a pipe dream some months ago.
The book has been published. Woo-hoo!! And is available on Amazon for sale as a paperback and ebook! This day has been a long time coming and Coleen and I are so happy we have finally made it a reality! We are overjoyed to see it done and dusted after all the long and
Published at last! Read More »
We have been in discussions with a production company to film a documentary for a major UK television channel. Filming dates are being discussed! This is all getting so real now. Coleen and I are feeling pretty nervous, but excited too. More updates as things unfold!
Documentary filming Read More »
It has been a long task getting the book edited. Coleen and I have had this go back and forth to our editor to make sure we deliver the best and most well written book possible. This story is personal so it needs to be perfect, well perfect to us anyway. We’re almost there!
Coleen, Ryan and myself have been recording a podcast with a UK celebrity. It’s very hush hush at the moment. This will go onto a major streaming services that features us telling our story. More news as it breaks!
Work on Playing with Fire is going well. We are waiting on our editors making final adjustments and the book will be ready for release! This is so exciting. Coleen and I can’t believe were doing this sometimes, and with barely any bickering either!